Saturday 14 May 2011

Instructions for the Sunday of the Paralytic

2/15 - 4th Sunday after Pascha, of the Paralytic. Tone 3. St. Athanasius the Great, Abp. of Alexandria (373). Translation of Relics of the Holy Princes Passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, in baptism Roman and David (1072 and 1115). St. Athanasius, Pa triarch of Constantinople, Wonderworker of Lublin (1654). Martyrs Hesperus, Zoe, and their sons Cyriacus and Theodulus, at Attalia (II). Blessed Prince Boris-Michael of Bulgaria (907). Ven. Tabitha (I) (movable feast falling on the 4th Sunday after Pascha).

Matins: G4, Lk. 24:1-12
Liturgy: Acts 9:32-42; Jn. 5:1-15

On Saturday evening, the All Night Vigil is served as follows:

At Great Vespers: The beginning as on Thomas Sunday. At Lord, I have cried: 4 Stichira in Tone 3 from the Oktoechos, 3 from the Pentecostarion, and 3 for the Saint; Glory: The Paralytic, Both now: How can we not marvel. Entrance. Prokeimen — The Lord is King. At the Aposticha: the 1st Stichiron in Tone 3 — O Christ, Who by Thy passion and the Paschal verses with their refrains. Glory: In Solomon’s porch. Both now: It is the day of Resurrection and Christ is Risen (once). After Now Letest Thou and the Trisayion: Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos (thrice).

At Matins: Choir — Christ is Risen (thrice) and the Reader — Glory to God in the highest: the Six Psalms. At God is the Lord: Troparion of the Resurrectional Tone Let the Heavens be glad (twice) Glory:
Of the Saint, Both now. The Mystery from before the ages. After the Kathismas the Sessional hymns of the Pentecostarion. Sessional hymns of the Saint. The Resurrectional Evlogitaria. Hypakoe. Sessional hymns, and Prokeimenon of the Tone. 4th Resurrectional Gospel, from St. Luke, per. 112. Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ (thrice -  and once in Greek usage). Psalm 50. Glory: Through the prayers of the Holy Apostles and the rest, as usual. Canon of Pascha with the Theotokia and Irmoi on 8, the Paralytic on 6; and the Saint on 4. Katavasia - Irmoi of Pascha: It is the day of Resurrection. After the 3rd Ode: Kontakion of Pascha Thou didst descend, Oikos, Kontakion and Oikos of Saint, Kathisma of Saint, and Paralytic. After the 6th Ode: the Kondakion of the Paralytic As of old, the Oikos which follows, and (in Greek usage) the Synaxarion of the day, and the Pentecostarion. At the 9th Ode we do not sing More honourable, but the 9th Ode of the Canon — Shine forth, shine forth. Exapostilarion of Pascha — Thou didst fall asleep in the flesh: Glory: Of the Saint, Both now: The Sovereign man-befriending. At the Praises: 5 Stichira of the Tone, 3 for the Saint. Glory: O Lord, not the pool: Both now: Thou art most blessed. Great Doxology. The Troparion Today salvation, Litanies, and Dismissal. The 4th Matinal Doxasticon. Polychrnion: Our Great Lord and Father Kyril, and the 1st Hour.

On Sunday morning:

At the Hours: Troparion of the 3rd Tone, Glory: of the Saint. Kondakion of the Paralytic — As of old. 
At the Liturgy: The beginning as on Thomas Sunday. After the entrance, Let the heavens rejoice, Troparion of the Saint. Glory: As of old. Both now: Thou didst descend. Prokeimenon in Tone 1: Let Thy mercy, O Lord. Epistle is from Acts, per. 23. Gospel is from St. John, per. 14. Instead of It is truly worthy we sing The angel cried and Shine forth, shine forth. Communion hymn: Receive the Body of Christ; and Praise the Lord. The conclusion of the Liturgy is the same as for Thomas Sunday.

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